Kevin Fothergill

Expert Partner

Kevin has 40 years of experience in the chemicals, hydrogen and fuel cells industry in a range of technical, commercial and business management roles. In 2016, Kevin co-founded the UK Hydrogen Hub and now provides expert guidance to global corporations seeking a sustainable position in the hydrogen economy. He is an External Adviser to Bain & Co. and Chief Executive of Catalsys Ltd.

His technical knowledge and practical experience of hydrogen and other sustainable fuels provides Clear Sky with a deep understanding of how these technologies can be applied in aviation and airport operations.

Why is sustainability in aviation so important to you?

Aviation is a great enabler of economic development and social good, but at significant environmental cost. As a society, we need to continue to reap the benefits that it brings but with much lower impact on the planet.

What excites you about the Clear Sky mission?

Aviation is fundamentally difficult to decarbonise and that presents a great challenge. Good choices must be made, and change driven on the basis of practical solutions and good economics. Making change happen is a great motivation for me.

How do you balance life with work?

I have several hobbies, including woodworking, boatbuilding and gardening plus 3 young grandchildren, all of which provide a great distraction from work. I also like to keep fit and go to the gym 3 or 4 times per week. Spin classes are my favourite.

What is on your Spotify playlist right now?

I have pretty varied tastes. For relaxation, I like Enya and Rachmaninoff and for high energy, mostly tracks that I hear at spin classes: anything from Dua Lipa to The Killers.


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