Krishnan Narayanan


During his 25-year career, Krishnan has been an investor, entrepreneur, advisor and director across Asia, Europe, Australasia and North America.

Beginning his career as a strategy consultant with Booz Allen Hamilton, Krishnan has worked as a partner, regional leader and senior advisor at several top-tier strategy firms, advising the C-suites and Boards of energy, renewables and resources companies on strategy, M&A and large transactions. About a decade ago, Krishnan moved into the world of investing where he was part of the founding team, led by two former Goldman Sachs partners, of the SW7 Group. This global investment house focuses on alternative investment funds as well as incubating, commercialising, and scaling up cutting-edge technologies in sustainability, finance and healthcare. Today, he remains a partner and COO of that business and also sits on the boards of numerous companies in Europe, Asia, and Australia, including investment holding companies, technology ventures and philanthropic institutions. He holds a BA from Oxford University in PPE and lives in Singapore.

Krishnan brings decades of experience in sustainability and energy, in establishing and running investment funds and in technology investment and incubation. As a founding partner of Clear Sky, Krishnan acts as chair of the business, co-leads the firm’s investment strategy and leads the firm’s relationships with sovereign investors.

Why is sustainability in aviation so important to you?

I am a voracious traveller and absolutely love to fly. But I increasingly worry about my carbon footprint and whether my children will be able to enjoy and benefit from travel in the way that I have. Aviation is hugely important – both economically and culturally. It is critical we find a way to make it sustainable, and soon.

What excites you about the Clear Sky mission?

The Clear Sky mission is unique. I don’t see another investment company dedicated to the dual objectives of achieving net zero and generating superior financial returns. I am very excited by the array of talent from aviation, energy and finance that have come together to make sustainable aviation a reality.

How do you balance life with work?

Well, by making both as fun as possible.  At work, I have been lucky to have found a career that is stimulating and highly international. I am surrounded by wonderful, brilliant people who I count as genuine friends. And, in life, by a wife, children, extended family and friends who are hugely fun, full of humour, and enjoy doing the things I do – including travel!

What is on your Spotify playlist right now?

I used to DJ (badly) and sadly most of my music is stuck in the house heyday of the 1990s and early noughties. But my eldest son has been introducing me to some modern stuff recently which isn't as bad as I thought it would be…


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